Thursday, July 2, 2015

Saw somebody die today. I was on Main Street, stopped for a red light, third car from the intersection in the right hand lane. I saw this black girl probably in her 20s yellow dress and glasses. She came out of the building by the intersection, saw a friend across the street and rushed over to meet her. Just then a car went by me maybe going a little fast but having the right of way as the light had turned green. The girl went right out in front of the car and took the full force. She got knocked about six feet in the air and I remember her glasses went flying. I don't see how she could have survived. About half a second before she got hit I could see what was going to happen and I think I started to scream. I just kept screaming after she got hit. It was awful. There were lots of witnesses so I just drove away and I couldn't even look at her lying there. The streets are probably the most dangerous thing in downtown Jacksonville. And it's for the opposite reason than you might think. There's not a lot of traffic and the blocks are short. Consequently, people don't pay a lot of attention to the traffic lights. I'm guilty of it myself. Unfortunately, she picked the wrong time to be careless. It killed her in an instant and I'm sure left the person who hit her with a life long scar. It left me with one. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (update from the news) A 12-year-old girl is in critical condition after she dashed across Main Street next to the downtown library and was hit by a car as family was arriving to pick her up, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. The unidentified girl ran out in front of a car that had just entered the intersection of Main and Monroe streets shortly before 3 p.m. Thursday, Lt. Brett Sharp said. "It [the traffic signal] was either green or yellow, but they are still doing their investigation," Sharp said. "The young lady was attempting to run across the intersection when she was struck by the vehicle." Police said the 12-year-old girl was not in the crosswalk when she was hit. A second car coming up behind the accident scene was there to pick her up, police said. That car has Maryland license plates. The accident shut down two blocks of North Main Street behind the main library and a city parking garage. East Duval and East Monroe streets were also shut down during the accident investigation.

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